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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Being In Newspapers

I haven't done a 'proper blog' in soooo long! Sorry about that!

The world went a bit crazy when it heard about me walking at my sister's wedding! It was just a small story but then 'The Mirror' picked it up and the rest is madness!

We only put my walking on youtube to show my physios who helped me!

When I say world I mean Australia, Nigeria and Portugal to mention just a few.

It's just been crazy - that's the word that best describes how it has been doing phone interviews and whatnot.

I am so busy these days it's quite ridiculous!

I am in demand!

I had an chat with the main man at Direction Radio in Surrey on Monday where I intend to be their first chat show host!

I am very excited by this prospect! Don't worry, I will tell everyone when it airs so you can tune in!

Rushed off my feet (not that I walk - so rushed off my wheels!)

I will be returning to posting my lyrics on Sunday so I hope you will enjoy them!



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