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Saturday 16 May 2020

Making Disability Accessible

So, I was furious reading this: https://www.cjr.org/the_feature/journalism-disability-beat.php because it is true, any mother would support their child in the  same way. It is lovely that she  got recognised for what she did, but really it's surely a mother's instinct? 

I totally understand that it might make people feel good but for someone  who has to go through the rigmarole of having a disability on a daily basis I get why it's newsworthy but it shouldn't be. If someone saw you struggling to comprehend something, they would help if they could, but that fact would not become newsworthy because of a disease you have or something.

Those were just my thoughts on the issue please leave  your own if you agree or disagree with me - I'd love to read them!



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