Comparison is stupid. You are not like anyone else. And that fact should be celebrated. It’s a hard habit to break though, and I have to remind myself to stop comparing sometimes. I have a hard life, no one knows what goes on when the lights go off at night; whether I cry myself to sleep, or sleep peacefully, or read to switch my mind off. And I don’t share this with people not because I don’t trust them but because I know that everyone is overcoming hurdles that I know nothing about and I don’t want to bring my sadness to their door. Sometimes I do break down though, as some of my friends will know a few weeks ago now. But it’s not fair to compare my problems to someone else’s. Everyone is going through something, so though they may look like they have everything together, I can assure you, they are fighting a battle that you don’t know about.
That’s why I have such a big problem with judging people.
You don’t know for a second what is going on in their life. Like comparing
yourself to someone else, you don’t know what they’ve been through to get to
this point, nor do you know what they’re battling against right now. Just take
things as they are. Things are always changing, even if they don’t appear to
be. There will always be people who can do thing better than you, but only you
can put your own stamp on it. Don’t deprive the world of your stamp. You will
find the thing you can do better than anyone else someday. Don’t panic. I’m
still waiting.
Thanks for reading,
Amazing blog Steph I salute you :D