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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Who You Are

For one thing I would watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLQWGFtTl7I it's by Carrie Hope Fletcher whom I admire and has a lot of sense! The message from this video fits with what I'm gonna talk about today because recently I have moved home from university FOR GOOD!! As heart-wrenching as I found it, friends and a belief in myself helped me realise that I can do anything. It was more or less easy for my sister coming out university as she's a teacher and so pretty much had her career on a plate from the moment she decided on that course at university.

I believe that wherever I am in this world the same will reach me. Although they might not be the opportunities I want right now, but what I want can wait until I have some stable money and a place of my own.

I have changed a lot since I’ve been at university. I’m not who I was before – I’m not shy  in public anymore – I’m a now or never girl, in the sense that I’d rather do it now than never know how I would feel or whatever. They say everything happens to us for a reason and if people don’t stay with you they are a lesson for the betterment of yourself. And this is so true. Someone from my past who has long gone and I’ll never see again helped me to see how special every moment of this life is and how precious every moment that I get to share with someone else is. So I’m not one for wasting time anymore. If I want to be with you – I’d much rather we got on and did something than just sit there.

 As ever, leave a comment if anything I have said has stirred a reaction in you and/or you have a suggestion on topics for me to cover in future posts. You can also tweet me (@steph_carfrae) Thank you for reading!!



Wednesday 22 May 2013

Live Out Loud & 'All I've Got To Lose'

Bad things happen for a reason. Either to bring you onto better things or make you see that things could be better and how you can get there. It might not work out immediately but you just have to keep the faith that it will.

I like the phrase "live out loud" because it helps me to realise that life is not to be experienced in silence. When something makes you happy, say, tell the person and/or sing. Just don't let the experience pass by. You never know when you might miss it. When you're sad, I know it can be hard, but try to talk it out to someone, whether you want that person just to listen or offer their solutions, it is the best thing I can recommend whenever you feel bad/sad. Please don't keep it bottled up inside. I'm not a great person to be saying this, because I do keep things bottled up. I am trying to be more open now though.

I hope it’s not too late

To say I’m glad for fate

It keeps bumping us together

I want it that way forever

I’ve come to realise

As time flies by

I’ve lost vital time

That I should be spending with you


All I’ve got to lose

I would lose in the end anyway

So why not make the end today?

If I’m gonna lose you

At least I’ve got one thing they can’t take

These memories in my mind will never break


I hope it’s all good

And I’m just feeling what I should

Cos we keep running into one another

Am I crazy to think we could be potential lovers?

I’ve come to find out

That I’ve wasting my life with too much doubt

There’s only one way to find out

How you’re feeling

(Repeat Chorus)

If you’re not feeling this

Believe me I won’t even mention it

But because at the moment we’re at the phase of could

I’d rather tell you and know for good

One door shuts another opens

I just hope you won’t leave me broken

All I’ve got to lose

I would lose in the end anyway

So why not make the end today?

If I’m gonna lose you ooh baby

At least I’ve got one thing they can’t take

These memories in my mind will never fade.

Copyright © 2012 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

Feedback would be awesome thank you! As ever, if there's a topic you want tosee my interpretation of in future blog posts don't hesitate to comment below or tweet me (@steph_carfrae) thanks!



Wednesday 15 May 2013

Don't Wanna Leave

Make the most of everything in your life. Take every opportunity life offers you cos you never know when it will be too late. I've got about a week left at this university....and it will be so hard to say goodbye to my independance and of course all the wonderful people I've had the pleasure of knowing. But I am ready for the next chapter now. At least I think I am. I always knew it'd have to come to an end, but I never expected it so soon! But that's the way it is. Everything has it's time and ending. So even if you're going through a rough time in your life at the moment it will pass. Maybe not in  the near future but everything does have a time limit. Unfortunately, mine is running out in this place. I will take every opportunity it has left to give me. I'll only go away with good memories. I could not be more thankful for that. Every experience has been a lesson and I've learned a lot about myself.

Thanks for reading. As ever, if you have any comments feel free to leave them below or tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or any suggestions for future weeks. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you!



Wednesday 8 May 2013

Live For The Moment

 I'm up for taking chances. You never know where they could lead you. It could be a detour from the path you're on, but you'll never get back to this moment. So please appreciate it and live for moments because memories are just a series of highlighted moments. This is why taking chances are so important. Unless you take the chance, you never know where it could take you. So I try to take every chance that comes my way - because what if tomorrow doesn't come? And if tomorrow does come - you could trek off in a new direction and it could be the right direction for you. I'm not saying it will be - but if you don't take that chance you'll never know!
Thanks for reading! If you'd like to suggest a topic - any topic - for a future post feel free to comment or tweet me (@steph_carfrae). Thank you!!



Wednesday 1 May 2013

Live Every Moment Like It's Your Last

While at home recovering from hospital I wrote:

You Only Live Once
You Might Never Get The Opportunity Again

Life is too short not to take chances. And you never know if it's your last chance to experience something. Tomorrow's never promised. So take chances while they're there, and live every moment like it's your last. Cos life is so unpredictable. Sing at the top of your lungs. Smile at strangers. It could be just what they need to lift them out of a dark place.

You can react to this You Only Live Once attitude like 'So you're saying I can never do this again.' (As my sister did, and most people will) No, of course I'm not saying that and I hope you can do it again but I'm just saying you never know what life has in store for you. Treat every moment like it's your last because this life is unpredictable at the best of times.

I was reading something earlier, and it helped me to clarify that you (and me) are only inhibited by your own mind. Fear is man-made, fear is just the implication that stops you and me doing what we always dreamed of. And it made me see how silly it was. Nothing should stand in the way of you and your dreams. But fear has pinpointed the exact place that will stop you. And fears aren't easy to let go. I wish there was something I could suggest to make it vanish. All I can think of is to focus on the good things in your life and banish fears of the future because you've got nothing to lose. Everybody else will be losing if they lose you. So never worry about that. As I have proven in the past (with boys in particular) fear is stupid, because everything has worked out for the best and I don't regret doing any of it. I had to go through that to get to where I am now.

So . . . Live Every Moment Like Your Last (cos you never know when it might be)

Thanks for reading. If you have any suggestions for things I could post about or any I'm Committed To suggestions please leave them in a comment or tweet me (@steph_carfrae). Thank you.
