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Sunday, 29 December 2013

How To: Not Care What Others Think

Though it’s the festive time of year, it doesn’t mean that problems aren’t there. Though we’d like them to just fade away, they don’t, they might be masked or put aside for said special occasion, so I will continue putting these ‘How To’ posts up until I run out. I don’t know if they help in any way but by putting my own experiences into the world this way I’m hoping there might be someone who can take hope or inspiration from it.

You have to change your attitude. It’s just a fact. You know who you are, where you’re going in life and if people choose to judge you for whatever, that’s they’re choice. It doesn’t really matter. You’ll probably never see those judgemental people again. The people who matter will not judge you; they will take you how you are for who you are. Even if they judge other people. People think you have to be strong not to care, but you don’t. You just have to get to know who matters and who doesn’t. As long as you know who you are, and your direction what does it matter that people judge? As I’ve discussed before, I think it’s so sad that my generation judges people based on the way they are dressed or the way they act in a certain circumstance. I make a point of not judging people before I know them. They could just be having a bad day when they behave in a particular way, and just because it’s not the way I would act or dress doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Everyone in this world is different. How I’ve handled something might not necessarily work for you. It may be someone’s last day on this Earth, that’s what I keep in mind when I look at someone and am asked to judge. I don’t think we have the right to judge people. I’m not going to be able to change the world and stop everyone judging – but I’m just saying think about it the next time you go to. Nobody knows what a particular person is going through – for all you know this could be their very last day on Earth.

Remember people that judge you, only judge from their past experiences. They are only judging from their current state of consciousness, which can’t be very high if they’re worrying about you and not themselves. People are generally self-obsessed. So while you are worrying about others judging you, they are probably worrying about you judging them for a particular action or the way they look/dress.



Sunday, 22 December 2013

How To: Be Happier

Make sufficient/productive use of your time. Realise that the gift of time we have is only here once, and so don’t get trapped in things that waste your talents or don’t make you happy. Time only gives when you’re finding out what you want to do. From then on it gets shorter. Now a lot of people don’t know what to do with their lives, many actually older people as well. They have just trundled along never really fulfilling their livelihood.


Ways to not get caught in this trap: lots of realisations about yourself (repetition is a great technique for believing these) and believing that anything is possible. Realise that: Yes, you are beautiful; yes, you can do whatever you set your mind to and somebody is always in a worse position than you; nothing can stop you if you want it bad enough. I’m sure there are many more, but to get you off the starting block!


You have to realise that although things may come to slow down your transit into what you want to do; they are only slowing you down not stopping you. Indefinitely. Things happen in our lives that are out of our control sometimes. No one can help it when these circumstances occur.


The biggest realisation in my life has been that I am enough. No matter what I do that’s the way it is. I am living up to no one’s standards but my own. And I am not reaching for perfection. Perfection is never something to reach for. If you did everything perfectly, and everything worked out perfectly where would your stories come from?  It may be a hard slog, you may be up against one of life’s fiercest storms [metaphorically speaking] but things will work out and sometimes it seems ineffectual to believe that, but you just have to to keep going.


Stop comparing yourself to others. I know I have already covered this but just to reiterate: no good can come from it. You don’t know anyone else’s backstories so you don’t know how far they have come to get to this point. Also don’t judge others for the same reason, and you’ll feel better about yourself. It may be a slow process, but when you don’t judge others you actually start setting more feasible standards for yourself. Because, no you don’t have to look perfect 24 hours every day. Sure, it’s a nice goal to aim for but far less feasible when you think about it. And since you can’t look perfect 24.7 you can’t be happy and kind all the time either. You have to have a balance. Moments of rage – which I release through noise (usually shouting) and moments of recollected silence.


The main thing I have learnt over my 21 years of life is to: be happy because you’re worth it. And because you don’t know if the sun will be shining tomorrow but if you go out there (into the world) with a smile on your face, well you just might make it peek out of the clouds.

 *I will not be posting a lyric on Wednesday this week for obvious reasons but will be posting next Sunday with another How To. I hope you are liking these 'How To Sundays' and it is helping.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

'Emotional Rollercoaster'

Now I wrote this when I was 16-17. I heard being sung in the voice of Mariah Carey. I hope yo like it! Comment on this post/Email me (stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk)/tweet me (@steph_carfrae) if you'd like to have a go at putting some music to the lyric.




You had me feeling things I’d never felt before

But you didn’t want my love back then so no more

Will I surrender to your beckon call

I wanted you to be there to catch me when I fall

But you never were

And now I want you to know how much it hurts



You took me baby

On the emotional rollercoaster

Now you’re telling me you want to be closer

But baby you deserve a seat on the ride

I’ll wave to you and say goodbye

Have fun on the emotional rollercoaster



You had me dreaming of you every night

Still working out why we weren’t right

But never again will I stand at your demand

Come on baby I need more of a man

You were never that guy

So I feel it’s my time to fly

 (Repeat Chorus)

Look in my eyes

In years gone by you would have found devotion

But now I want you to see

All the pain and heart ache you caused me

Take a seat on the ride

I can’t promise you’ll be all right

Oh-oh emotional rollercoaster

I want you to see how you hurt me

It’s your turn and though I know your heart burns

This is something you need to go through

Cos the pain you cost me has taught me to

Never again fall for you.


Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

Hope you enjoyed that!



Sunday, 15 December 2013

How To: Be Stronger

I guess I was just sick of being afraid of life. I guess I found courage in all the broken hearts I’d encountered. I just thought, no this is not how my life is going to be. I’d seen how miserable life could be and I didn’t want to go there. I wanted to create my own path. But how did I learn this? I had been living a miserable life, so I knew that wasn’t the way I wanted to be. I knew there was a better way to feel. I just kept believing and I was able to be happy under my terms. I think it’s very important to find out how to be happy in your terms. For instance, I am not doing a lot at the moment because I can’t get out my front door (long story!!!) but I am content in what I do do at the moment, even if it’s not so invigorating.

I am breathing! That is an accomplishment. Everything that you do, every move that you make, is something to be proud of. It isn’t something that will just happen anyway, although a lot of people take it for granted. You need to learn to appreciate that you are alive and you can move around and even if you can’t, at least you’ve got a voice (or technology) to give you a voice. It’s not a very big thing in most people’s eyes, but it is a big thing and once you realise this it almost becomes a necessity to keep going, because although there are millions of people in the world only you can tell your story and no one can understand it better than you. Sure they’ll be days when you want to give up, but you’ve got to believe in yourself. No one is going to be better at being you than you.

A lot of people ask me how I got to be as strong as I am today. I don’t know what it is or was. I guess I’ve picked things up along the way. I’ve always had a belief in life – that it can be great and you could bypass all the heart break and loss and everything else that turns your world upside down – but why would you want to? Sure, it hurts for a while, maybe you’ll never get over such a tragedy happening but it will work out. Life knows what it’s doing. I don’t know how, and I don’t know why these things have or will happen to you but I believe that life will work out and be all right by the end. You’ll see.  



Friday, 13 December 2013

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons Why'

Today, I am reviewing a book I read again recently and has left quite a staggering impression on me since the first time I read it. It is called ‘13 Reasons Why’ by Jay Asher, and is published by Penguin Group. It is an international bestseller and it is not hard to see why it’s got such high acclaim. It touches me to this day, I remember reading it in my university room in my second year and just being breath-taken. It delivers such a clear, strong message in the space of one page. A single paragraph. A single line. ‘You don’t know what went on in the rest of my life.’ Tears sprung to my eyes at these words because I’m sure, like me, at some point you have made a snap judgement of someone and never thought about how your judgement has affected their life. The book envelopes the feeling of hopelessness which we can all relate to. Maybe not in this extreme way, but in a way. Who hasn’t been in a hopeless situation and felt like giving up? This story is a story of a girl who has given up and her reasons for doing so. It is a fascinating read. The blurb on the back runs as follows:

‘You can’t ¢ the future.

You can’t the past.

The only way to learn the secret

. . . is to press

Clay Jensen returns home to find a strange package with his name on it. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker – his classmate and first love – who committed suicide two weeks earlier.

Hannah’s voice explains there are thirteen reasons why she killed herself. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out why..

All through  the night, Clay keeps listening – and what he discovers changes his life . . .


 It is an intriguing blurb that had me excited and invigorated to read it. The website for the book is: www.thirteenreasonswhy.com and it is by far worth a read. Although aimed at younger people, I believe we can all learn something from Jay Asher’s novel. Everybody you meet plays a part in your life, whether conscious of this fact or unconscious. Even though it is a teen novel, it is my favourite even as an adult, because it really makes you stop and think.

I hope you pick up a copy of this book and let me know what you think.



Wednesday, 11 December 2013


I wrote this lyric while I was at uni. It is based on personal experience. Whether it's about myself or someone else, I'll leave that up to you to decide. I claim this as my favourite lyric that I wrote at uni. Because it is. I hope you like it and I'll be happy to answer any question, suggestion for a 'How To' - don't be afraid to suggest one because if I haven't been through it personally - which you just might be surprised by what I have - I will do my best to research the topic. And don't worry - everything is confidential unless you'd like me to reveal it.
So email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk if you have a topic. Stop being afraid! Quite relevant with the title! Anyway, I hope you like it.


You need to stop now

Cos our ship is going down

And I wanna remember

Happier times when we were together

I see the way you want this to end

But I’m not gonna give it up to you my friend



You need to stop

Stop fogging up my memory

Stop the hordes of your jealousy

You need to stop

Stop going so fast

Stop; make this moment last



One day you’ll slow down

And find it was you who missed out

And I wanna remember

Happier times that felt like forever

I see the way you want this to be

But I will not lie for you baby

(Repeat Chorus)


You need to stop

Fogging up my memory

It’s not yours to keep

You need to stop

Oh-oh you’re going too fast

Stop baby and make this moment last.


Copyright © 2012 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.



Sunday, 8 December 2013

How To: Overcome Your Fears

To overcome fears, you have to believe that anything is possible. Not just tomorrow, in the next five seconds anything could happen. On my first day of university, I forgot about the fear of not knowing anyone and just got stuck in with conversations and such things. I forgot the fear of not fitting in because when it came down to it, there was no time to be. People will love and respect you for who you are, and if this certain group of people don’t, don’t be disheartened because you will find someone who does. Even if it’s only one person, it’s better than having no one.

I have recently got over the fear of answering the phone to strangers. I just treat them as old friends; friends I have that I have never met, or not seen in a long time. People tend to be more willing to help you out if you do this. It was a mistake on my part: the way this all started. But it got me over the fear. My friend was supposed to call me in a few minutes so I was waiting for my phone to ring. When it did I just answered without looking at the number and checking it was my friend. It wasn’t. It was someone else I had needed to get in contact with me, so while I greeted them with the ‘hey’ I normally reserve for friends, they told me who they were and explained that they would do what I needed them to. But that warmed them to me and we got on like a house on fire from then on.

You’ve just got to go into things fearlessly. If it’s a wrong move, it’ll teach you a lesson and if it’s right then you can bask in the rightness of your decision. Life often moves too fast to actually know what you got wrong or right, but when you look back you will realise what it was. Don’t fear getting things wrong; that is how we grow. And everyone gets things wrong. Because this world is more digitalized, we won’t always see the mistakes people have made, because their easier to hide nowadays, but trust me: it’s not just you.
Thanks for reading. Let me stress again, this is only how I have done it and am in no way saying yo should attempt it this way. But by putting my experience, I oe to help someone who maybe finds themselves in a similar situation.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

'Echoes Of His Goodbye'

When T left school I wrote this! It was a sad time in my life, which I hope the lyrics reflect! It was a hard lesson to learn, but I think it was the best lesson I could have had regarding the situation!




It’s no use chasing after a guy like him

It’s just no use playing a game you will never win

But still you don’t give up

You must be so in love

Or stupid to think he’s worth it



Cos he doesn’t notice you

But you’re smiling at him hoping one day he’ll see you

But what if that day that never comes around

And you are only left with the sound

Of your heart beat when he’s gone

You don’t know how to carry on

And all that you can hear

Are echoes of his goodbye and your lonesome tears



It’s no use chasing after a shooting star

It’s just no use cos he will never be where you are

But still you’re relentless

Your heart must be fearless

To truly believe he’s worth every penny

(Repeat Chorus)


Yes your heart will be ripped and torn

There’s no way back now

Can’t turn this thing around

Cos you say you love him

But it’s a game you’re never gonna win

So please stop believing in him

You think one day he’s gonna see the light

But it’s useless no matter how hard you fight

(Repeat Chorus).


Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

If you want to help me and work some music to this either comment below or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk . If you'd like a 'Lyric your name' for yourself or someone else email me at the same address.

I hope you liked this. Thank you for reading,



Sunday, 1 December 2013

How To Stop Comparing

I read this yesterday http://writingundercover.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/your-one-wild-and-precious-life/ and I think it’s really important to know. Comparison very nearly ended a relationship with someone very important to me. It really is a killer. Comparison makes you feel like you are not good enough. We are all different. It took me some time to stop comparing myself to others, I looked in the mirror (yes, there again) and I told myself it was silly. Everyone has an amazing gift. If you haven’t found it yet, just have some patience, it will arise. I haven’t found mine yet.

Comparison is stupid. You are not like anyone else. And that fact should be celebrated. It’s a hard habit to break though, and I have to remind myself to stop comparing sometimes. I have a hard life, no one knows what goes on when the lights go off at night; whether I cry myself to sleep, or sleep peacefully, or read to switch my mind off. And I don’t share this with people not because I don’t trust them but because I know that everyone is overcoming hurdles that I know nothing about and I don’t want to bring my sadness to their door. Sometimes I do break down though, as some of my friends will know a few weeks ago now. But it’s not fair to compare my problems to someone else’s. Everyone is going through something, so though they may look like they have everything together, I can assure you, they are fighting a battle that you don’t know about.

That’s why I have such a big problem with judging people. You don’t know for a second what is going on in their life. Like comparing yourself to someone else, you don’t know what they’ve been through to get to this point, nor do you know what they’re battling against right now. Just take things as they are. Things are always changing, even if they don’t appear to be. There will always be people who can do thing better than you, but only you can put your own stamp on it. Don’t deprive the world of your stamp. You will find the thing you can do better than anyone else someday. Don’t panic. I’m still waiting.  

Thanks for reading,



Wednesday, 27 November 2013

'You' Influenced by Danny Jones

This back-story is funny! It all started at school, I had a mega-crush on a guy called T (that is not even an initial of his name) it was so that we could talk about him even with him in the room and he would be none the wiser! He gets in contact with me from time to time, even at university, so I wrote this lyric on one of those occasions when coincidently a video from the McFLY boys came out and Danny sang a little ditty, and I incorporated that into the piece. I hope you enjoy! Tell me if you can spot the Danny-written part!


It’s called: YOU



I love you you you

Don’t want nobody else but you

I love you you you

Don’t need nobody else but you

And I know you’re with another lady

But she could never love you

As much as I do baby



I want you you you

Don’t care what I have to prove

Walk a thousand miles for you

Cross the river in a boat for you

Yeah I would

Yeah I would

Can’t you see that I

Don’t wanna be somebody who just passes you by

(Repeat Chorus)


I need you you you

Don’t care if I have to make the first move

Walk a million miles for you

Climb the stars to the moon for you

Yeah I would

Yeah I would

Don’t you know by now?

Don’t wanna be the lonely one sitting around

(Repeat Chorus)


You could be my leading man

I would be your biggest fan

And they’d be making shows about you

Cos I would do anything for you

Ask me to change the world I would

So it all revolves around you


(Repeat Chorus)


Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.


Comment below or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk if you’d like to put music to this piece or any previous posts. Also email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk if you’d like a ‘Lyric Your Name’ for yourself or another. They make brilliant gifts on special occasions. Follow me @steph_carfrae and tweet me sometime!



Sunday, 24 November 2013

How To Be Braver

I don’t know what it was. It was like turning on a light switch. And either letting it get brighter or dimmer. I’m talking about braveness. Strength plays a role in this too. And confidence is a major factor as well. Your braveness can only get stronger or weaker but will never disappear. On my first day of university I was so nervous but I just threw myself (not literally) into a conversation with the guys who had already settled in their rooms. So though that was scary, I was soon comfortable in their presence. If your outlook is positive, then the one you get back will be wholly positive too. You just need to be comfortable in your surroundings and seem confident even if you don’t feel it. If you fake braveness, as soon as you forget about faking it, it will become your way of life. People think I’m brave in my life. I’m brave because I have to be. I just do what I have to do to live the life I want to. And if that takes gathering up braveness, confidence then I will do that. It all relates to what you go through in life. So if you’re not feeling very brave, maybe it isn’t your turn to be yet. When the time comes, you will have the strength to be brave and manage without, if that’s what the situation incurs.

*Thank you for reading. If you have any comments about this piece or a previous post, please do not be afraid to leave a comment. Just to illiterate again, this is in no way how I recommend you get through life and situations, I am merely telling you how I did it and hopefully you can try some suggestions. I'd love to know what you think.



Friday, 22 November 2013

Hospital could be imminent

So, apologies if  can't for whatever reason post on a Sunday or Wednesday. I will strive to....but if I can't...at least you know why. t may not happen for a while but I'm told it's going to be before Christmas...so if ever I don't post on an allotted day you know why. Thanks for understanding.



How long ago I posted this and I only had the operation performed on the 24/2/14! Good job NHS!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

That Girl (Who) I'm Becoming

Before You Were Mine

I'm ten years away from the corner you laugh on with your pals,

Maggie McGeeney and Jean Duff.

The three of you bend from the waist,

Holding each other, or your knees, and shriek at the pavement.

Your polka-dot dress blows round your legs.


 I'm not here yet.

The thought of me doesn't occur In the ballroom with the thousand eyes,

The fizzy, movie tomorrows

The right walk home could bring.

I knew you would dancelike that.

Before you were mine,

Your Ma stands at the close with a hiding for the late one.

You reckon it's worth it.

The decade ahead of my loud, possessive yell was the best one, eh?

I remember my hands in those high-heeled red shoes, relics,

And now your ghost clatters toward me over George Square

Till I see you, clear as scent, under the tree,

With its lights, and whose small bites on your neck, sweetheart?

Cha cha cha!

You'd teach me the steps on the way home from Mass,

Stamping stars from the wrong pavement.

Even then I wanted the bold girl winking in Portobello,

 Somewhere in Scotland, before I was born.

That glamorous love lasts

Where you sparkle and waltz and laugh

Before you were mine.

 This poem by Carol Ann Duffy inspired me to write this lyric. I was (and still am) interested to know what life was like before my birth. True, my mum had 3 other little ones to look after but I mean before then. My mum tells me she never really had a life dream other than being a policewoman, but she was too short! While I find it hard to believe that she didn’t want anything else, for the time she was born that was the be all and end all. So this is for you mum. Hope you like it:

It’s called: That Girl (Who) I’m Becoming


I long to stroke your scarlet ribbon hair

Kiss your tender lips without care

Wipe away the tears from your eyes while you stare



I want to know that girl

That girl who dared to dream and take risks

That girl who was always too sharp and too quick

I want to know that girl

That girl who had dreams and hopes

That girl who ran and threw snowballs in the snow

I want to know who I’m becoming



I long to see him loving you with passionate hands

I see you in sticky situations coping best you can

I want to see your passion seep out through your palms

(Repeat Chorus)


I want to know what happened

To this girl that used to be so fun, so free

Was it all because of me?

I want to know that girl

(Repeat Chorus)

That girl who I’m becoming.

Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

 I wrote it when I was around 15. When we were looking at the poem in English, I was so inspired I just had to write something. I hope you like it. I’d love to know what you think. If you fancy putting music to this please email me at: stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk , leave a comment below or tweet me @steph_carfrae. If you’d like a ‘Lyric Your Name’ for yourself or a friend please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk a paragraph about them or yourself, how they have helped etc., Quick Turnaround.  Great as gifts for special birthdays.



Sunday, 17 November 2013

How To: Be More Confident

Well, this one is difficult. You need to develop belief and confidence in yourself and what you do. There is no easy way to do this. This started firstly in my looks, I didn’t wear make up for years, partly because I don’t feel I needed to and secondly because I had no one to impress. Even at uni I was still experimenting, having red lips for instance; only now I realise it didn’t really suit me. It did at the time, but times change.

Change is an inevitable part of life. And you can either choose to accept it or resist it. Change comes to us all in different ways, don’t resist it, it’s going to happen anyway. Change happens and it can be horrible, but once that experience is over you’ll be so much stronger.

You have to have faith in yourself and not be afraid to speak your mind. When you believe in what you say it gives you a certain conviction which comes across as confidence.  Just get to know yourself and always try to smile. If you outwardly appear to be confident after a while your body will get used to the persona and give it off naturally. The persona you give to others will be reflected back to you; they will give respect back to you automatically if you treat them with respect.

 If you believe in your work, it will come easier and quicker. You’ve got to have confidence in your work; it’s something you’ve been working on so you must feel it was worth it, at least, at the start. You just have to have the attitude of: Yes! People can make me feel bad if they want to, but that’s not going to stop me. Someone might not like that work, yet others may love it so don’t be disheartened by a few damaging comments. That’s just their opinion.

 *I do not intend that you yourself can do all this by doing these things, but I am putting out there what helped me in the hope that you might find inspiration and so can put one of my little tricks into place in your life. By no means do I think it will help everyone, and by no means will they work for everyone. But give it a go, because you never know!

 If you have a topic you’d like me to cover in the ‘How To’ series then email me: stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk , tweet me @steph_carfrae or leave a comment below! I can’t wait to hear from  you!!*

Thursday, 14 November 2013

'How To' Posts

Don't be alarmed, you will still get your post on Sunday! I just thought I'd let you all know about a series which I am going to do from this Sunday onwards. I am still taking suggestions so do not be afraid to comment below, tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk. The series is basically a 'How To'.

Now I'm not saying this is how you should approach things, I am just going off what's worked for me.

If you have any suggestions of 'How To' s I could do, then please email me:
stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk, tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or comment below!!
Hopefully you will find some inspiring stuff in the series.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


I wrote this at university in my first year. While acceptance is a very important ting, this, is, of course, relationship-based. It was actuall written before I had met his girlfriend so I had foresight! Anyway, I hope you like it! Here it is:




I’ve gotta learn acceptance

Acceptance that I will never be your girl

Acceptance that I could never change your world

Acceptance that I could never no no ever compare to her



You smile at me then turn away

Oh how I wish I didn’t feel this way

Cos there’s nothing that I could ever do

To prove just how much I love you

At night when I turn my eyes away from the world

I can’t imagine me as anyone else’s girl

(Repeat Chorus)


There will come a time when you begin to cry

And I’ll be here for you and I always will do

My best to make the pain go away

But really there’s not much I can say

Cos it hurts so much watching you walk away

Without being able to wrap you in my love day and day

(Repeat Chorus)


I’ll learn to accept these things just give me time

But then you gaze your eyes into mine

And then you say

Accept that you are the girl

Who has changed my world

Accept that you will never be her

I’m glad you won’t cos that bitch hurts.


Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

 Thank you for reading. If you are interested in putting music to this, or any of my previous posted lyrics please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk. If you would like a 'Lyric Your Name' for yourself or another, please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk with 'Lyric Your Name' as the title! Quick turnaround. Thanks. If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss please send an email to stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk, tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or leave a comment below! Thank you for reading!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Meeting Sharon Osbourne and Leona Lewis!

This happened when I was fourteen and recovering from my first operation in Evelina, a children’s hospital in South-West London. I just remember going to my private room on the ward with a headache and just as I shut my eyes there was a knock at the door. It was two men who came in and asked me if I watched X Factor. I did so I nodded. Then they announced that Sharon Osbourne would be coming to the hospital to interview some patients and would it be all right if she interviewed me? Of course it would! Somehow, my headache fizzled out! We were to keep it secret from the nurses. So after they’d left my room, I rang my mum. But my doctor had already contacted her, and she was on her way up to the hospital to stay with me. Then fast forward to the night I was actually leaving hospital – which was the night of Sharon’s visit – I can’t remember much of the interview but we had a picture together and then I went home. The party – which was actually televised on Noel’s Christmas Presents – two close ups of me (!) – was in December and the interview with Sharon had happened at the end of November. This was back in 2006.I took my brother to the party as I could have one guest with my parents. So when we got to the hospital we were all positioned on the third floor and everyone was debating who the special guest would be. Leona Lewis had won the X Factor the night before – and it was her! Really must have been a whirlwind few days for her. She was so beautiful – she looked too good to be real! She had her hair in the loose curls that I loved and was also wearing a dress that I had admired her wearing on X Factor. She was absolutely stunning. When the party was over – my mum got one of the nurses to ask if Sharon could sign the picture I’d taken with her 2 weeks earlier. He told her he’d try and told us to go down and wait by a particular set of lifts. The first person who came down that lift was Leona herself, and her PA asked if we’d like to meet her. Of course we would! So we had pictures taken together (she complimented my dress! My dress!) and then she breezed through the rest of the hospital, not stopping for anyone else. Then Ozzy and Kelly Osbourne came down next. Ozzy wished us a merry Christmas. After a while of waiting I ushered Kelly over to sign my autograph book (one from Disney I’d brought just in case; Leona had signed it too!) Kelly came over and signed it for me, then eventually Sharon came down the lift. She signed my autograph book too and then sat down to sign the photo. But as she was writing, Ozzy came along and sat down next to her, jogging her so I have that memory forever! It was such a great evening.

I hope you enjoyed that. If you want a ‘Lyric Your Name’ (you know what to do by now!) please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk . Similarly, if you have any topics you’d like me to cover (suggest it because I can relate to most things) then email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk or tweet me (@steph_carfrae) Thanks so much for reading guys!



Wednesday, 6 November 2013

'Your One' and silly teenage crush!

‘Your One’

This song was written about Danny Jones. He meant a lot to me when I wrote it. He was my teenage crush so I guess I always pictured him ending up with me, as most girls do with their celebrity crush. Now I think I’ve grown out of this, and he’s proposed to Miss Georgia Horsley (a Miss England) and I could not be happier for him. I guess it was at uni when I finally stopped my obsession. At home I have an awesome big copy of the picture that 'One Thing' was 'supposedly' written about (if you haven't see it check it out here: http://stephcarfrae.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/one-thing.html) I guess by my eighteenth it had gotten a little silly in my mind to hold onto fantasies and the next few years while I met them consecutively, I kind of grasped that Danny was beautiful (to say the least) but I didn't/couldn't really connect with him. And I know now that I deserve a guy I can really connect with and not one that just looks good in photos.

 Anyway here’s the lyric and I hope you enjoy:





You think the world of your latest love

But I’ve seen men in her stride get confused and used

I’m just telling you you might wanna back off

Cos if not it may happen to you too

I know you deserve much better

That’s why she’s scarlet letter

Cos you are so nice

I can’t bear to see you frozen like ice



She comes down like lightning

In a bad storm

The air is tightening

Cos you really think she’s your one

I’ll be on the sidelines

Encouraging you on

Till that special moment comes

And you find your one



How could you not see it’s been me for so long?

I role played and pretended that I was just a friend

I knew from the very first day I saw your face

That you were my light gonna have to win this fight

But right now you’re happy in love

I don’t mind waiting around

Cos you are so perfect

Make every minute of this life worth it

(Repeat Chorus)


And I don’t know if you’ll ever see

My plead yes it’s me

So don’t let her drag you down too far

Even if she does you’re still my shining star

(Repeat Chorus)


Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Carfrae. All rights reserved.


Please leave me a comment below if you can!

If you want a ‘Lyric Your Name’ please email me at: stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk . If you have a topic or something you’d like me to discuss please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk, tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or leave a comment below. Thank you and thank you for reading!





Sunday, 3 November 2013

Dressing Up!

The Last Time I Met McFLY

I was so excited and had no idea it’d be the last time. I was going to get them to sign my 21 book and this was my last chance as I was 20. So I took that with me and I wore a dress. I thought I looked nice and why not dress up? It’s an excuse to! So anyway we got in there and I looked around. Everybody else was just in t-shirts, special t-shirts to them no doubt or McFLY tops. And they all looked lovely. I’m not saying in any way that they didn’t make an effort with the way they were dressed – I bet it had been hanging outside their wardrobe weeks in advance. I’d been at uni two years at the time and I knew about making yourself feel special from the clothes you wear for no reason. Just because you want to. And though you might stand out because of it, you’ve already accomplished an achievement just to get to that point in time. You are breathing! So I don’t expect to be remembered or anything for the initiative I had to dress up for McFLY. Of course I hope they do, but their music has inspired my life which I am so thankful for and I am just a fan at the end of the day. I gave Danny a CD telling him how he changed my life without actually knowing me physically. So I hope he heard that and understands how much I owe him. I also gave Tom a CD of the song I had written for them and I don’t know if they ever heard it but I hope it raised a smile to their beautiful faces. And as I said, I didn’t know that’d be the last time I’d meet them so I feel I left a strong impression. So don’t be afraid, if it’s special to you and you want to dress up, have the confidence to do it because other people might laugh, but inside they will be deeply impressed that you have had the guts and/or think it’s special enough to dress up for. And they all signed my 21 book as visible in this photo:

Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. If there is a topic you’d like me to discuss in the future (believe me, suggest it, I’ve probably been through some form of it, even if it’s not in the way you expect!) please email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk or tweet me @stephcarfrae . Email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk for a ‘Lyric Your Name’ if you want one for yourself or someone else. Quick turnaround. Just email me a paragraph about how strong etc. you think someone has been through hardships, their name and I will get back to you ASAP! This is a great gift to give, because it is for them, only them and will NEVER be used in anything else unless allowed by them personally.



Wednesday, 30 October 2013

'All Right'


I’ve been listening to a lot of Kelly Clarkson – whose inspirational lyrics have inspired me to write this. I think it’s a relatable lyric but that is your call! I hope you like it!


It’s called: ‘All Right’



Do you ever feel like you lost a chance?

There’s no way to heal a romance

Once the opportunity’s gone hey

Do you ever wanna run away?

Just scream out to the words they say?

I’m on your side I’ve been there



I can’t say I know what goes on in your life

Or in your pretty little mind

But I know things will work out all right

If they don’t you can blame me

But for now let’s just wait and see

Cos you know when the world feels like your enemy

It’s simply taking it’s time

To make everything all right



Do you ever feel like you can’t go on?

Can’t get five miles in this storm

Let me shelter you from the rain hey

Do you ever wish for things to change?

Then things start to happen and it feels so strange

Just open your heart and I will be with you

(Repeat Chorus)


Doesn’t it sound funny?

But if there’s one thing honey

I would say you can’t be afraid

To make your move in this life

Cos soon it’ll be too late

And you’ll be reminiscing one night

Saying if only

I don’t want you to end up lonely

Take my advice

Just know it’ll be all right

(Repeat Chorus)


Copyright © 2013 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

If you'd like to put music to this, please tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk.
Thank you.
You can contact me at the same addresses to let me know what you think of it or you can below. Email me at the given address if you want a 'Lyric Your Name' quick turnaround.
And tweet me/email me if you'd like me to discuss anything in future blogs. Thank you for reading. 'd love to know what YOU think!
