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Sunday, 21 September 2014

How To: Be Determined

I went into hospital for my third operation. I was having the tendons in my calves released. I was in a children’s hospital because at the time I was only sixteen.  It was painful. I had emails from Carrie Hope Fletcher, which I’d acquired prior to the visit. They really inspired me and helped me to keep strong. I read them every night before I went to sleep. I cannot even express how much that meant to me. The emails were sent via myspace back in the days myspace was cool! I’ve actually met Carrie and thanked her endlessly. To think a superstar like her, would care about me is mind-blowing. So once again, Carrie thank you, your words really were magic!

Visitors made me feel a lot better, as they always do. But it was the result of a text I received that really spurred me on to get out of hospital. The text said something like: It’s been a couple of days, I haven’t heard from you and am scared for you. Although my legs still hurt, from the moment I got that text I was determined to leave hospital, merely so I could get in contact with this person. (At the time I had a pay as you go contract and I had run out of money on it for that month. Typical teenager!) It was the love I felt for this person that got me out of hospital, and the fact that I didn’t want that person worrying unnecessarily. My legs honestly felt like lead, but I was determined to tell this person that I was Ok that I took a few steps which allowed me to go home. 



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