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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Things Take Time

Sorry I've been rubbish at this! I will try to do this every Wednesday from now on - unforeseen circumstances have been in the way recently - it's nice to get back to a bit of normality!

Things taking time is a difficult balancing act.

Particularly when you're a go-getter like me!

But after something happening you've got to take a few days to let life cool down. Let it recover. And it can feel like nothing's happening in your life but things are. Things often work behind the scenes - and just because you can't see it right now doesn't mean it isn't. You can't be out all the time, though you wish you could because you're not as young as you used to be, you don't have the same mentality as you did at uni, you get tired, so very tired and you're not used to it anymore.

And things DO change. Subtly every day. You won't even notice it. This is evident particularly when you have a baby in the family. As I do, and she is changing every day at the moment. Learning new things and finding out things about yourself is a constant and can constantly change. It might take time to see how everything has changed but the time will come. And it is fascinating to me that things are always happening, so no moment is the same and no matter what you think, change is coming. Often time it comes later rather than sooner, but it is possible.

Remember: YOU are in control of your life, so if you want something to happen you have to organise it and make it happen.

Like last week, I went swimming and floated for the first time which I'm really proud of. That is enough to take all the energy out of anyone. But then, I went to a wedding reception in the evening of the same day. It was amazing and I was so thrilled to be celebrating the wedding. That was a pretty action packed day! I loved that but I realise that I have to slow down! Or don't do too much during a day! But at least I know I can do this when needs must.
