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Sunday, 30 March 2014

How To: Deal With Things When You Don't Think You're Strong Enough

I got some bad news. Now I could sink into depression. But anyone who knows me knows that’s not me. I was down about it for a while but after speaking to a few of my friends about it I feel much better and can smile about it now. One little let down in life is not going to rid me of my strength. And it’s a week later, and I can’t even remember what it was that went wrong, so it can’t have borne that much of a weight on my life.

I am so much stronger than that. And so are you. Though you may feel vulnerable when it comes to life’s blips, please understand that everyone has them and even the most composed person you know is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. And that isn’t because you’re a bad friend, it may be that they are ashamed or embarrassed to mention it or think it’s not even worth mentioning. So what’s beating you up? Be it internal or actually physical you don’t deserve it. Let me guess, you self-criticise. We all do it. I’ve just grown so sure of what I’m doing; I’m writing to make YOU worthwhile. Because you are. Sometimes we just need reminding. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I have post-its to remind me of my worthiness, but not everybody has that.

The voices in your head are loud. The more stress there is in your life, the louder they get. Obviously stress elimination is a way to lower their sound. This is not easy for anyone. First, you need to sort out what is stressing you out. Then you need to cut it out of your life. This is not an easy process. Take small steps if you can. Removal in small chunks will make it less of a bombshell. The self-doubt and the belittling voice in your head will quieten the more you believe in yourself and what you do. So, you need to believe in you. I know this is not an easy task. It took me many years. And I still don’t believe my writing’s any good, so I still have issues with believing in myself. But as far as I can, I want to help YOU believe in YOU and writing has proved the best format in which to do that so I’ll keep writing. Until YOU believe in your heart YES YOU ARE WORTH IT. Until YOU just be yourself and know that that is Ok.

You are so much stronger than even I know! Haven’t you gotten through bad points in your life to get to this point? Are you alive and breathing today? Yes, you are. Congratulations. It may not seem like a big deal to you now, but someday you will be glad.

 Hope this helps.

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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

'Folded Star'

Ever since I started putting 'Lyric Wednesdays' up, I've wanted to publish this one! I wrote it just before I went to uni. It helped me build up confidence. I believe this is what our souls are. See if you agree and let me know...

It's called:
Folded star



We all have a star

No matter who you are

It’ll grow and the stronger you are

Makes for a brighter star

When all the lights fade

You can find your way

If you let your star work

Ooh yeah find out how much you’re worth



Don’t be scared to show who you are

Someone’s there to hold your heart

For the world to see

You’ll grow up into who you are

And find the light for your folded star

Shining for the world to see



We all have a smile

Don’t be afraid to let it out once in a while

It’ll make you feel good and others too

Do not think it’s just for you

If you give off a warm aura

You will find the world much warmer

And such a friendly place to be

Ooh yeah you know what this means

(Repeat Chorus)


This means a lot to me

That you are living happily

So take my advice

And don’t think twice


Shine your light for the world to see

The star is bright in me

(Repeat Chorus).


Copyright © 2011 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.
If you'd like to have a go at putting music to this, you are more than welcome. But if anything is recorded or performed I need to know about it! You can either comment this post, tweet me (@steph_carfrae), leave me a comment on facebook www.facebook.com/TheRealStephCarfrae
 or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk. If you’d like a ‘Lyric Your Name’ please contact me at the same places. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon . Thank you for reading,



Sunday, 23 March 2014

How To: Cope When Nothing's Going Right

It’s like walking on a minefield, isn’t it? You don’t want to let anyone else know of the heartache. Perhaps you feel ashamed, or like you should be content in the life you’re being presented with at the moment. I know I certainly do. Sometimes that’s just the way life is. I just hold onto the fact that the future is unpredictable. Anything can happen in the next five seconds, let alone tomorrow! I always hold tight to the belief. The phone could ring any second, as when you’re in a public place, anyone could walk through that door. And it could change everything. Anything can.

Sometimes there are no road signs; you’ve just got to keep going to see the light ahead. You may hit barriers and be setback a while. You just need to know that you have the strength to power through this. Life is clever. It wouldn’t give you anything you can’t handle. We are all stronger than we know. Sometimes our stories take a turn for the worst, but you can power through and past it. It’s what makes your story so exciting. Because you had so many chances to give up, but you’re still here fighting. Maybe it was to prove to yourself or others that you’re strong and/or stronger than them. And look who’s victorious in that battle. You!

Things will only start picking up when you start believing in them. I don’t mean the wishy-washy believing, I mean believing with your whole being and character. For instance, I believe that life will work out for everyone. There is no time limit on this belief. I don’t know when it’s going to be all right for you, or me come to that matter, so I can’t promise it will work out immediately or in a week, it’s not possible to know. So let yourself believe in life, from there your life will become much more bearable. I can't promise anything, but give it a go for yourself or you will never know. If you just have this one belief, that the best is still to come, you can reach for the moon and dance among the stars.

I have a daily mood calendar. I tend to leave it on positive moods because when I wake up I’m confronted by: and so this is how I’m going to feel today. It doesn’t always work. But more often than not, it does. Try it out. Just print or handwrite some positive emotions/moods and stick to your wall/in your work file or anywhere you’ll see it most often. Hopefully every time you see them you will smile and be inspired.

Hop this help,



Wednesday, 19 March 2014

'I'm Back'

I wrote this when I got back from hospital. In stunted bits. I wrote the chorus 4 days before I wrote the verses because I just had no time! But I got thre eventually. Hope you like it.


I’m back

You thought I’d weaken in the sun

But I’m back

Back to being the one

I’m back

It didn’t take me long

I’m back

Because I am strong



Whatever’s hurting me right now

I know won’t stick around

With a little bit of faith

I know I can take

This situation down

(Repeat Chorus)


Whatever I’m crying about

I won’t remember a year from now

So they can wound me

But my heart will always be

Stronger  than who they are

(Repeat Chorus)


Right now


I might be a mess

But I’m strong

I know how to hold on

I am here

And I’m making it clear


(Repeat Chorus)


Copyright © 2014 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.
If you'd like to have a go at putting music to this, you are more than welcome. But if anything is recorded or performed I need to know about it! You can either comment this post, tweet me (@steph_carfrae), leave me a comment on facebook www.facebook.com/TheRealStephCarfrae
 or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk. If you’d like a ‘Lyric Your Name’ please contact me at the same places. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon . Thank you for reading,


Sunday, 16 March 2014

How To: Feel Happy With What You Are Doing Right Now!

Everyone goes at their own pace. Where you are right now is where you need to be. If there’s somewhere you’d rather be or something you’d rather be doing, life is holding you back for a reason. It may not be clear right now why, but it’ll all make sense one day. And you’ll be so much stronger for when this ‘one day’ finally does come around. So don’t give up. I know it would be much easier to, but you can find the good in anything if you look hard enough. I’ve had my fair few scrapes throughout life but I’ve always held tight to the belief that it will get better. If you’re still waiting, you’re in the same position as me. You will get through it if you have a little belief. I don’t know what your situation entails, but I know how bad life can get and I’ve come through to the other side smiling. If you asked me how, I honestly don’t know.

If you feel insignificant, I’ve been there. It’s not a nice feeling. In this crazy world, it seems to be happy you have to matter. Newsflash, you do matter. Life would be at loss without you. Don’t you ever believe different. We are all here for a reason. The world needs you. I used to feel insignificant when I’d look to people who already knew what they were doing with their lives. But there was a reason. They were older than me. Their paths weren’t easy. But they made it through, maybe just to show that it was possible. Hardships only create stronger people. Those people who seem like they matter now, celebrities or what-have-you, will not be important in maybe as little as five years. Though they may have the hype around them right now, hype does not last and eventually it will die out. Don’t feel unimportant. You are important.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” I bet you’ve heard that a million times, but it’s so true. 10% is not a lot, but how you react to it is everything. If you think positively, things will turn out better than you expect. If you expect it to be bad, it will bee. The world reacts to your thoughts. So the more positive thoughts you have, you will have less to trouble you in your life. Try thinking this way, cos if you never try you’ll never know. It isn’t an overnight realisation, but positive  thoughts will see you through.
*Hope this helps,
If you have any future suggestions for How-To Posts please leave them below, tweet me (@steph_carfrae), Like me on facebook and connect with me that way https://www.facebook.com/TheRealStephCarfrae, or email me @  
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

'Be Brave'

This is a lyric I wrote at university when I had feelings for a certain barman who knows who he is!


I don’t wanna be

Don’t wanna be

The fool

I can’t seem

Can’t seem

To take my eyes off you

And you know you’ve got me

You’ve got me

Floating in insanity



Be brave is all they can say

Have an excuse just in case

Be brave and either way

You’ll be happy at the end of the day

You’ll finally know where you stand

Whether or not you’re in the heart of this man



I don’t wanna be

Don’t wanna be

A joke to you

I can’t seem

Can’t seem

To keep a straight face with you

And you know you’ve got me

You’ve got me

So wrapped up in you honey

(Repeat Chorus)


Be brave is all that it takes

One second and you’ll know

Have an excuse just in case

I need to practise for the show

Be brave and either way

You can be happy at the end of the day

You’ll finally know where you stand

Whether or not you’re in the heart of this man.


Copyright © 2012 Stephanie Carfrae. All Rights Reserved.

I did tell this certain person, on a night when something he'd organised took place. He was dating somebody else at the time and I just remember saying to him: 'Maybe after then!' He broke up with who he was dating after Christmas, but my after never came!
As ever, leave a comment if anything I have said has stirred a reaction in you and/or you have a suggestion on topics for me to cover in future posts. You can also tweet me (@steph_carfrae) Thank you for reading!!
If you'd like to have a go at putting music to this, you are more than welcome. But if anything is recorded or performed I need to know about it! You can either comment this post, tweet me (@steph_carfrae) or email me at stephcarfrae@yahoo.co.uk. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon . Thank you for reading,

Sunday, 9 March 2014

How To: Accept That Things Happen

After a week away...I'm back so Happy How-To!

The more you focus on a bad episode in your life is to give it more power against you. Like if you listen out for the clock at the night you’re more likely to hear the tick tick ticking, whereas if you put that to the back of your mind you are less likely to hear it and you are more likely to drift off to sleep. You just need to let things go. It’s happened now, and nothing you do is going to change that or change how you reacted. Sure, there are instances where perhaps you could have reacted in a particular way instead of how you did, and that will play over and over in your mind, but there comes a time that you just need to realise that it’s done now and you reacted to it in the best way you could at the time.

There have been spats between me and people close to me, and I have held onto the notion that they are operating from their state of consciousness. And they are not clever to know that they’re words have multiple meanings. In that moment, what were you looking at or doing? If you twist their words to mean something that was nothing to do with what was happening, as I seem quite talented at, you need to stop your mind doing this. It’s not good for your imagination. It’s also not good for how you feel inside. You can’t help how someone’s made you feel in the past. But you can change it. You have control of how you perceive others. Someone close to me has made me build up a bad picture of them. But it’s slowly changing. And it is a slow process; it’s not an over-night change that can happen. 
*Thanks for bearing with me! 